Yusa Popiah Seaweed Crisps 50gm Kerepek Popiah Rumpai Laut


Yusa Popiah Seaweed Crisps 50gm Kerepek Popiah Rumpai Laut
An additive snack which are made up from seaweed, spring roll and some seasonings. The crispy and savory snacks are a wonderful snacks to be eaten anywhere and anytime.

In the past, snack foods were thought of more as an indulgent or a sin, but with a national shift toward healthy eating, snacks have changed their game. Not only have snacks become healthier, they keep us full, satiated and energized till the next meal.
Snacking can be good for preventing hunger in people who tend to overeat when going too long without food. If you’re going to snack, make sure to choose healthy foods that keep you full and satisfied.
Do you feel a snack attack coming on and want something tasty yet healthy? How about trying Yusa’s Popiah Seaweed Crisps? An addictive snack which is made up of seaweed, spring roll wrappers and some seasoning. This crispy and savoury snack is a wonderful snack to be eaten anywhere and anytime. Once you start, you will crave for more.

Popiah Skin (Spring Roll Wrappers), Roasted Seaweed, Eggs, Chilli Flakes, Sugar, Chicken Powder Seasoning.

Yusa Popiah Seaweed Crisps 50gm Kerepek Popiah Rumpai Laut
Yusa Popiah Seaweed Crisps 50gm Kerepek Popiah Rumpai Laut


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