Varola maxy muslim Women’s Fashion


?Pretty brother please check stock before order yes
?If you’re not serious about order don’ t have to check stock let alone chekhout (PHP name kak ??)
?Direct chekout without gpp stock check, tp before transfer try to check stock again
?Checkout without mentioning color then it will be sent randomly
?Please do not conduct cancellation of orders for fear of influencing influencing our store performance
?The goods arrive immediately click accept yes sis so that the funds can enter our seller’s balance immediately
?Please feedback good, we try our best to serve beautiful brother well
?Read caption of material and detail size well, don’t give bad judgment if the size of greatness or smallness when cust doesn’ t read the information baii ??
?Complaining and others please via chat kak insha allah we respond to building a shop to make it better
?Please be smart buyer
?Updated goods at wa every day ??

Varola maxy muslim Women’s Fashion
Varola maxy muslim Women’s Fashion


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