Tuille Khimar by Aneuku – pink


Material DETAILS:
Ceruty Baby Doll
Khimar shari length
Front lengthg 47 cm
138 cm Rear Length
Aneuku this time issued khimar Syar’i for Aneuku’i’s favorite who used to be more covered in her appearance, but remain chic and beautiful:

-Closing Chest
-Closing Sleeves
-Long Back

So many Requests came in, my aneuku issued khimar syar’i
Finally the prime product for khimar syar’i series dr aneuku
– Tuille Khimar Syar’i –
Khimar who requires quite a lot of cloth because of its wide and large shape, the cloth cutting is made to circular so that the fall of khimar fits is worn more comfortable and fallen and is delicious to wear..
Khimar syar’i is as stipulated but still chic and beautiful..
The offering of the heart for all the beloved.. ????????????
Items price includes shipping fee that should be borne by the buyer.

Tuille Khimar by Aneuku – pink
Tuille Khimar by Aneuku – pink


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