Pre ORDER Bridal Wedding Flowers/Wedding Bouquet/Flower Ribbon/Bouquet/Satin Ribbon


Overall product dimension p x l x t = 19 x 19 x 19 (tolerance 1-3cm)
Cannot request size
Made of satin ribbon
1 Bouquet + Packaging includes into 1 kilogram shipping due to volume after packaging

Can be ordered custom or according to your favorite color
Could be a combination of multiple colors, (maximum of 3 colors)
Can be booked for bridal shower or wedding or pre-wedding photo sessions
Work per 1 bouquet at a maximum of 7 days (e.g., it can be sent day 3rd or day 5th or 7th depending on medium many or not orders coming in)
So it is NOT RECOMMENDED for those with date of usage

Compulsory to include in the information:
Dominant color / basic color (1 color)
Other colors (max. 2 colors)
Don’t forget to also list alternative colors, if there’ s no A color, change color B
If not listed dominant colors and complementary colors, it means we can make random tsb colors as dominant and complementary colors

Bouquet accessories will not always be the same, depending on the stock available and the material out of stock will be customized by our team

For bouquet booking can be directly with hand corsage / flowet bracelet click in variation

Order = AGREED
No complaints
Because information has been explained above

Items price includes shipping fee that should be borne by the buyer.

Pre ORDER Bridal Wedding Flowers/Wedding Bouquet/Flower Ribbon/Bouquet/Satin Ribbon
Pre ORDER Bridal Wedding Flowers/Wedding Bouquet/Flower Ribbon/Bouquet/Satin Ribbon


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