metal wulou & all in one lucky charm pangsbait


?? Metal wulou & all in one lucky charm
Pangsabit ??

?? MONEY COIN – symbolize prosperity,abundance and good fortune ,the circle in the center represent the chi of heaven.
the Union of heaven and earth will be the most effective for the attracting flow of prosperity and good luck to your life –
this will keep wealth energy constantly beside u, ensure a greater flow of monetary gains,attracting the energy of wealth and money. protection and good luck cure.

?? The Wu Lou was originally used as a Feng Shui cure as a health enhancer and protector as the calabash was used to store medicine although traditional medicine would usually be a wine or spirit which is how the Wu Lou was adapted in to a wealth cure as alcohol became a symbol of wealth.

Symbol made of intertwined infinity signs for everlasting love, longevity and prosperity.
It is also used as a symbol for protection against.
misfortunes, heart breaks, illness, accidents and other dangers.
Rubbing the knot is also believed to help anger or fear to subside and allow for mental clarity.

??Coral: it promotes protection and eases many illness of our body and cures nervousness and depression. it is an excellent stone for use in bussiness to increase bussiness accomplishments. it changes color as a warning of ill-health of its wearer.

??MONEY PAO Money Pao is for increasing prosperity luck. This Money Pao carries the word Inviting “wealth” Luck The money or wealth Pao is a traditional symbol of fortune and positive monetary energy in Feng Shui. It signifies unending prosperity and income that never stops coming in. Carry or Wear This to enjoy its Feng Shui benefits.

??Piyao (money capture): brings good fortune and good things.Producer of good fengshui, attracts wealth,windfall luck,Exterminates evil, adversities and obstacles protects from accidents from travel

? Metal wulou coin quality
? coral money pao piyao quality

metal wulou & all in one lucky charm pangsbait
metal wulou & all in one lucky charm pangsbait


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