KEMEJA (Eldinatetextile4) Boordir Leaf motif Directives gamis Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt/Sdll
Bismillahbrirmanirahim ??
Embroidery Cringkle embossed /
Embroidery Airflow puffs ??
Price: 35,000 / M
Width: 1,50m
Characteristics: adem material, soft, falling not Nerawang, there is a pompom and comfortable when used.
Price indicated per half a meter//0.50Cm
Items price includes shipping fee that should be borne by the buyer.
KEMEJA (Eldinatetextile4) Boordir Leaf motif Directives gamis Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt/Sdll