Gamis Syari Khimar Rahma Jumbo Size L Xl Xxl Xxxl Xxxxl – Latest Size Dress Clothes 2021 Latest Models
Name: Rahma + chimar
Material: Wollycrepe
Size: L
ld: + – 100 cm
pb: + – 135 cm
Size: Xl
Id 110
pb 140
Size xxl
ld 120
pb 140
Size 3xl
Id 130.
pb 140
Size 4xl
Id 140.
pb 140
Photos only as references,There can be a difference in color between older and younger due to lighting when the photo can affect the photo result,In addition, when going to restock and buy fabrics at the fabric shop sometimes the stock is a little old / a little young and we follow the fabric stocks out of the factory, We ‘ll try as much as we can. By making purchases it is considered to be okay with that.
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