Cleansing Foam Deep cleansing with nourishing facial skin smooth, radiant from vitamin E mixed with natural extracts. Skin Rejuvenating Skin Smoother
Special cleansing foam cleansing facial skin, specially formulated vitamin E, mixed with many natural extracts With deep facial skin care, complete with nourishment from premium natural extracts Blended with concentrated moisturizer Helps to adjust the facial skin to be white, smooth, clear, tight, firmer and look younger. reduce dull skin, dark spots, uneven skin tone Deep wrinkles Helps to reduce bacteria and toxic residues, the cause of acne effectively. Use regularly every morning, gentle and gentle on all skin types, even sensitive skin. Add moisture to the face. Help tighten pores Adjust the skin to be smooth and soft like a baby’s skin.
A concentrated vitamin E cream that cleanses the skin, leaving it soft and supple.
Gentle on the face, deep cleansing
nourishing the skin, white skin, clear from the premium natural extract ingredients
Experience the change of youthful facial skin from the first use