[12pcs] Temulawak Beauty Cream Glass pot
Face is one of the skincare products you must have. Usually divided into two types, namely morning cream and night cream. Using daily facial cream is essential because it is beneficial to moisturize, protect, and provide nutrients for your skin. But what if it’s routinely using a safe face cream every day, but you haven’t gotten the desired result yet? Well, maybe this is because of how you use bad face cream. Yuk, find out how to use the right face cream here.
-No Need to Apply a lot
When applying cream to the face, there is no need to be much, but enough. But most importantly, apply cream evenly on the face. By applying enough cream, the cream can work optimally to provide the best results for your beautiful face.
-Swipe Up to Evenly from Outside to Inside
So, the way to use the recommended facial cream is to apply a small amount of cream at some point on the face, then flatten it from the outermost side of the face towards the center in an upward circular motion. Start at the center of the chin, then gently massage in a gentle circular motion into the jaw line, continuously heading towards the forehead and ending in the nose area.
Avoid using cream from the opposite direction, which is from nose to forehead area and continues to head towards chin. For example, facial cream potentially holds up and builds up around the hairline line close to your ears as you apply it. The cream that accumulates will clog pores so that eventually the face does not become clean, but instead, there are many blackheads and acne in the area.
-Do Not Miss Neck Part
The skin on the neck is an expansion of the skin of the face that needs to be treated as well. Therefore, after applying the cream all over the face, do not forget to apply also the cream on the neck. However, many often apply more amounts of facial cream on the face, then the rest are just applied to the neck. This is actually not exactly right. Best, separate cream parts for face and for neck.
-Apply Cream Immediately After Bathing
It is best to use facial cream as soon as you take a bath or cleanse your face, because at that time, the facial skin is still in moist condition, so it can better absorb the cream.
-Use Facial Cream Suitable to Skin Type
If you feel that using any facial cream product is ok, you need to rethink it. For example, everyone has different face skin types. Oily, dry, normal, and combination skin type requires special cream that can accommodate its needs.
In addition to adjusting to the skin type, you also need to distinguish between day cream and night cream. Day cream usually contains SPF that can protect your facial skin from the bad impact of sunlight. Whereas night cream, contains a wide range of vitamins d
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