Cassandra dress, Can Be jumbo
– All real pict items use real goods (Color accuracy 96-98% due to camera light effect)
-For Details of the item (material, size detail,Color series) already drawn
-Write Color on the information column and color replacement for the color anticipation ordered out
-Compulsory Ask stock before order, if transfer without stock confirmation first then we’ll send random goods / without notice
-If There is confirmation of the availability of goods, please transfer immediately max 2 hours, when exceeding the specified time limit and the goods are already exhausted we will send random / without notice
– *We Don’t random orders when orders are as stipulated*
-Does Not accept cancellation of orders for any reason, please make sure that the address & item ordered is correct
-buy = Agree
-no Compalin, no return
Happy shooping beb…
Items price includes shipping fee that should be borne by the buyer.