Elizabeth Arden Green Tea 400ML.


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??Ready to ship??

?? Production year 2020
?? 100% imported from Spain ????
?? Large jar of 400ML. = 695-
The contract delivery fee is 50.-.

Can be used for many months.
No It’s not all applied !!?

???? This item came in very little. It is very difficult to import because it is a weight product. Imported that takes a very long time Far from Spain

Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Honey Drops Body Cream 400 ML.

Another used fragrance item is confirmed continuously. It is a very fragrant skin cream. The skin is moisturized all night long. Not sticky.

????Green Tea Honey Drop scent That is the brand’s signature, it is a clean scent. Feel refreshed and relaxed There are also small orange pigments, which when massaged into the skin will be absorbed into the skin. ?? Makes the skin smoother, softer and firmer.

???? Contains the main ingredients of real honey Helps retain moisture for hours. The cream is very rich. Helps soothe and moisturize the skin. Suitable for people with dry skin or in an air-conditioned room. Sleep well. The smell is attached to the mattress set with a very fragrant aroma.

???? The texture of them is a rich cream, not liquid, clear, good stuff of the Elizabeth Arden level.

Good value for money. This price is with a very large body cream jar, the skin is not dry, fragrant, long-lasting.

Elizabeth Arden Green Tea 400ML.
Elizabeth Arden Green Tea 400ML.


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